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html->com_virtuemart->productdetails->default - HHK/SR Soccer 1st-2nd Grade Boys


This class is sold out. Please register for the class at 6 pm.

Sales price $229.00

Retail Price = $229
No. Sessions = 6
Sessions held = 0
Pro-Rate Price = $229
Discount = $0


HHK/SR SA has partnered with United Soccer Academy to offer this amazing soccer experience. Players will have 2 sessions a week. The Wednesday session will be practice-based, and players will practice in their teams where possible. The sessions on a Saturday will be 5v5 games against the other teams. Your Wednesday practice time will be consistent BUT your game time on a Saturday will change to allow you to play all the teams. Games will be between 9 am-1 pm and the schedule will be released when teams have been formed. Spaces are limited so register early to avoid missing out.