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Parent Information

For Camps & Classes Operated by USA Sport Group

Weather Alerts, Program Status & Make-Up Information

Program status, cancellations, and make-up information can be found on the program's specific information page.
To find and view the status of a program, click the button below.

Class & Camp Program Status

All programs will follow our up-to-date procedures to ensure the safety of players, parents, and coaches. We will amend these procedures based on the CDC, State government, Board of Health, or a local organization's guidance and/or requirements.  

The information on this page should answer most of the questions you may have about a program.

You can find information pertaining specifically to your Program on the Program Details Page, which includes:

  • Program Schedule and Session Dates & Times
  • Status updates (including weather cancelations & make ups)
  • Venue Details
  • Program Descriptions
  • Program Policies & Waivers

We also request that you thoroughly read the Program Terms & Conditions, which contains important information on our program policies and procedures, with regards to refunds, inclement weather and more.


How to locate your Program Details Page

  1. If you registered for a program via our website

    Log in to "Your Account", select "Active Programs", click on the selected program link and you will be directed to the specific details page for that program.

  2. You registered with a third-party organization (for example a Recreation Department, PAL, Soccer Club, etc)

    Click here to complete your registration. Once you have completed your registration you can click into "Your Account", select "Active Programs", click on the selected program link and you will be directed to the specific details page for that program

  3. If you are not registered for the program

    Visit our daily sessions page by clicking here. Use the “Filter by Program Details” box to narrow the results & find your program. (Please note you may need to adjust the date to reflect a day your program meets.) Click on your program Code/SKU (It will look something like QMS56047) to be redirected to your Program Details Page. Don't forget to follow the program so you can locate this easily in the future.


Receive Program Alerts

To receive weather alerts, cancellations, and make-up information you must be following your program. Whether or not you're currently following a Program depends on how you registered:

  1. If you registered for a program via our website

    You're all set. You are automatically following your program and will receive all notifications

  2. If you registered with a third-party organization

    Click here to complete your registration. Completing this information will ensure you are following the program and receiving all program alerts and notifications. It will also ensure we have important information for the participant. 

  3. If you are not the USG account holder but would like to receive notifications for a participants camps or class

    Visit our daily sessions page by clicking here and follow the instructions under the red "Need to Follow a Program?" headline.

If there is a time-sensitive change to your Program (like a session cancelation at short notice) we'll email and text you. For non-time-sensitive information such as make-up information, we'll only email you. If you are not following your program you will not receive any communications about your program.


Parent Feedback

Your opinion REALLY does count! Please click here to leave feedback about your program.


Program Times

We request you arrive and depart from our Program sites promptly and safely. Start and end times will be listed online and on your registration confirmation.


Parent Observation - Are parents required to stay at the program?

That depends upon the age of the participant, the length of the session, and the type of program. To check if the requirements for a program please view our Parent Observation Policy.


Camp and Class Safety

We want you to feel as comfortable as possible leaving your child with us, so we have safety systems in place including signing in and out procedures, emergency drills, program coordinators and fully trained first aid coaches. Under no circumstance will your child be left on their own. We have been running programs for over 30 years, and safety is our number one priority.

View our Signing In & Out Policy which pertains to all USG programs.


What To Bring

  • Clothing: Please dress your child appropriately for the weather. Protection from the sun (hat/sunscreen) is especially important.
  • Footwear: Appropriate footwear must be worn for all classes. Cleats for soccer (except for Squirts), sneakers for squirts, tennis, basketball etc. 
  • Equipment: Please check the Program Details section on your Program Page where required equipment will be noted, or view our Equipment Guide.
  • Food: If your child is on a half-day camp, please provide a snack. If your child is on a full day camp, please provide snacks and a bagged lunch.
  • Drink: Please provide plenty of fluid for your child to last the duration of the program. We recommend at least 1 gallon (4 liters) for all summer camps.


Medical Information 

For all participants we require information on any and all medical conditions which may or may not impact their ability to take part in sporting activities. You can update a participants medical information before your program starts by logging into your account and going to Your Participants Page.


Administration of Medication

Our coaches are not trained to administer medication, however in the event of a medical emergency, under the Good Samaritan Law our staff will provide life-saving medication, this includes but is not limited to rescue inhalers for asthma, and EpiPens for allergic reactions. Medications for such instances should be presented to the coach at the start of every session, along with a completed medication form with emergency contact information, signed by the participant's medical practitioner. This form will provide written consent for our coach to administer the medical treatment in the event of an emergency.

Medication Administration Form - please print this form and take it with you on the first session. The form will supply important medical information should medication need to be administered, and in an emergency will be passed alone to emergency medical personel. 

If a participant requires any other medication to be administered (in all situations that are not deemed a medical emergency) while taking part in a USA Sport Group program the parent or guardian is required to return to the program to administer themselves.

If a participant has any medical conditions our coaches should be aware of, please ensure you complete the medical conditions section when registering and tell the coach at your first session. If you need any additional accommodations, please contact our head office to discuss in more detail so we can ensure that all participants have the best possible sporting experience.
Please also note that our coaches shall not be responsible nor be held liable for any loss or damages to a child’s medicine upon the use, misuse, or failure of that medicine.



We require all participants to be up to date with vaccinations and immunizations appropriate to their age, and in-line with your State Department of Health regulations. More detailed information and specific Program requirements can be found in our Immunization Policy.


Parent & Me Classes

At the heart of our Parent & Me classes is the active involvement of the parents. As a reminder, your participation is required and essential to ensuring a rewarding experience for both you and your child. Each child requires 1:1 support from a parent or caregiver, so make sure you come dressed and prepared to play! If multiple family members attend, we kindly request that only 1 adult supports your child at any time, while others observe from the sideline, including older siblings.



We try not to cancel programs, but sometimes Mother Nature just gets in our way! In this case, please do not call our office for weather updates! Due to our large geographical area, our office staff will not have the most up-to-date information. Instead, visit your Program Details Page or click on the 'Class & Camp Program Status' button at the top of this page for the latest information regarding rainouts, snow or heat advisory cancellations.

To view our complete weather policy, click here: Weather policy.


Make-Up Information

The vast majority of our programming consists of outdoor activities. Registration for any camp or class should come with the understanding that a portion of a camp/class may be impacted or canceled due to adverse weather conditions. If your camp or class was cancelled, we will endeavor to make up lost time by extending the program length or adding on extra time. Check your program’s “Program Details Page” (under the Session Dates, Times & Status tab) on our website for make-up information.

To view more detailed information about compensation for weather-related cancelations and non-attendance please view our Program Terms & Conditions.


Program Terms & Conditions

Can't find what you're looking for? The answer may be in our Program Terms and Conditions, where you will find information on: 

  • Refunds & Cancellations
  • Inclement Weather
  • Non-Attendance
  • Parent Observation
  • Signing In & Out
  • Immunizations
  • Program Changes & Cancellations
  • Discounts, Special Offers & Credit Vouchers
  • Backyard Programs
  • Agreement & Liability Waiver
  • Covid-19 Agreement & Waiver


Currently serving the following States:

NJ | NY | CT | MA | DE | MD | VA | ME | VT | NH | RI | PA



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